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Artist Statement 

Sarah Larby (b.1998) is a sculptor living and working in London, originally from Northumberland. She completed her degree in BA Fine Art with Contemporary Cultural Theory (international) at the
University of Leeds in 2020. And is now studying a MA in Commercial Photography at


Her artistic practice explores the solid three-dimensional form with a focus on
materiality. She thinks of her practice as a tension between working with and against a material,
getting to know a material before, stretching, pulling and pushing its qualities to the
extreme. Primarily shaping her forms using a variety of different self-containing flexible
“moulds”, where the final objects are often moulded under their own influence or weight.


Through the process of making she is investigating how certain dichotomies can sit together in one
work: the natural and the man-made, dynamic and static forms and the abstract and figurative.

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